Thursday, April 23, 2009

This is Amost Brilliant!

I got very excited when I saw an email from the American Cancer Society titled "Who is the official sponsor of your birthday?" Brilliant! I had to open it. The Cancer Society has started a new campaign to be the "official sponsor" of birthdays - reminding people that every birthday is a victory over cancer. In the email there was also a link to this web page:

Guess what it has ... ecards! Yes! Just what I was asking for! There's also a YouTube and Facebook tie in. Brilliant! Unlike the cards and address labels I get in the mail from various causes that have little or no tie to the cause, these cards are a little too much about the Cancer Society for my taste. They probably won't replace my use of anytime soon. I would prefer a happy medium. So maybe this is just short of brilliant.

I'm not sure where it goes from here. There was is no obvious way to donate if I chose to use an ecard. I might actually be more inclined to send the ecard if it included a message saying I made a donation in the recipient's name. Perhaps the lack of focus on donations was intentional. It could just be a list-building activity. When I gave them my birthday to add me to the list of 13,103 birthday's they are sponsoring, they invited me to give them my friends emails so they could get sponsored too. Then I got an email thanking me for joining and saying "By joining the movement for more birthdays, you are helping save lives by creating a world where cancer can’t steal another year from anyone’s life." I'm not sure how telling them when my birthday is helps fight cancer. I'm thrilled if it does. I'll keep you posted on my experience with my new birthday sponsor.

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